
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Developing: for money or for fun?

I was always interested in development - from the very childhood when I was able to build simplest programs using Basic and Commodore 64 through school years and Pascal into current time and C#. For me the development process is fun.
But it is not the only thing I care about development. Much more important side of development for me is my salary. Simply because without that I would not be able to eat :) Though, it messes a little with a fun factor. I have to solve problems that might not be that interesting and I have to spend time on those tasks. Moreover I have to spend my energy and quite often my brains just don`t want to do anymore thinking after work.
Well, mainly because of the last statement I am asking myself - what is more important for me? If it is money than I can easily find another job with a better payments and/or better working hours. And if it is programming itself then why not to start my own personal business?
I am sure that every developer had asked himself similar questions... What were the answers? As I stated in the beginning - I think that money is not that important for me. Therefore I should start something :) So I've decided to make a simple idea planer. I imagine it would be WPF application with an intuitive GUI and a very simple functionality. Why not? It can be fun and can evolve into something bigger!

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